Like Magic

Type: street park
Destination: Pizza
Difficulty: Easy (once it finally appeared)
Restrictions: Clearway 3pm-7pm Mon-Fri, 1hr Mon-Fri 8:30am-3pm and Saturday 8:30am-12:30pm

Welcome to SnackBar Parking! This park is actually a bit old but I HAD to use it for the first post because it sums up everything SBP is all about.

You’ve heard of hangry (the all consuming anger you feel when you’re hungry)? Well on this particular day I wasn’t just hangry, I was henraged… hirate… hexasperated (I’m so sorry!). All I wanted to do was pick-up my giant pepperoni pizza, drive home and stuff it my over-emotional face. But there were no parks. None. I tried the parking lot. It was full, which doubly sucked because it was one of those single entrance/exit ones and I had to pull off a 10 point turn just to get out of there. So I tired the street again. Nothing. I drove around the block once, twice, three times. By now, it felt like my stomach was eating itself and all I could think about was my pizza, sitting alone in the bain-marie, despondently greasing up its box. Desperate and slightly unhinged, I decided to try one more time. And that’s when I saw it – the perfect parking spot. Almost too perfect to be believed. It had to be magic.

It was a drive-in park (no reverse parallel needed) and just four spots away from the pizza shop. Sure maybe it wasn’t a snack-bar park in the traditional sense but it was close enough that I could run in, grab my pizza and head out before the ugly tears could fall.

When I got back in the car, I took a much needed breath… everything was suddenly right in the world. That's the power of a perfect park (and pizza)!

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